The RESET is a 21-day program I created to help divorced Dads like yourself begin the process of making a comeback in all areas of life.

I highly recommend you jump in with both feet and commit to the next 21-days!

If you are in pain, this will be a healthy way to process that pain.

If you are not in the best physical shape, the RESET is a great jumping off point to begin taking responsibility for your health.

If are struggling financially, this is an opportunity to begin to work on become more financially stable.

Whatever struggle you have that you want to work on over the next 21-days and receive coaching on, I am here to help.

This is where your Comeback begins. I am honored that you would trust me with the beginning of your next chapter in life.

Complete the form below and let's get started!

Stay Resilient,

Adam Farrell M.S.


Why is it Free?

I know the information in this program can upgrade the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial wellbeing of hard working dads. I didn't want finances to be the thing that held divorced Dads from making their Comeback. The world needs more healthy divorced Dads. These programs are the roadmap to better health, confidence, discipline, consistency and strength.

Will I need exercise equipment or a gym membership?

For the RESET, you will not need any equipment or a gym membership.

What are the lessons about?

Each day you will receive a lesson on what it takes to move forward from your divorce. These lessons are intended to make you think about your words, your actions, what is within your control and stop focusing on what is out of your control (your ex, her family, your girlfriend, etc...). We will be addressing some tough subjects that you may have ignored or not even known about. Through awareness, action and acceptance you can begin to find peace with yourself, your ex and anyone else involved. We've been there. We know how hard it can be. We may not know your particular situation, but have helped many divorced Dads regain their health, dignity, and resilience. This program is for you. You are in the right place.

I am paleo, vegetarian, vegan, carnivore, IF, etc... Will the nutrition information support my beliefs?

Great! We are diet agnostics. Meaning, we don't care what diet you use. We follow principles that consistently get results regardless of your food beliefs. If you follow the principles we provide, it won't matter what diet you subscribe to, you will still get results.

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