Are you a divorced Dad who is now looking to move into the next chapter of your life with better health, dignity, strength, confidence and resilience? If so, you are in the right place. This is where Your Comeback begins.

We have helped hundreds of divorced Dads take control of their weight, health, workouts, eating/drinking habits, anger and resentment issues to make a Comeback that surprises even them.

If you are in need of a Comeback, this is your opportunity to get started.

Consider this the sign you have been looking for.

"This was the process I needed to get my health on track and stay motivated to improve myself. The workouts are excellent, and manageable as a 40 year old. If you are looking to improve yourself and take the next step, join the Comeback."

Steve V.

About Us

Our primary mission is to empower divorced Dads with the essential tools they need to navigate being a healthy, fit, strong, confident, Resilient Dad.

We know firsthand what it is like to go through a divorce, or two, and have to rebuild our lives again.

It can be brutal, but it doesn't have to be.

With coaching and support from other divorced Dads, you can begin to make a Comeback in all areas of your life.

The Resilient Dad Comeback is your opportunity to begin to rebuild your life.

The Comeback is a 6-week intensive coaching program to help you make that Comeback.

Will you be completely healed from your divorce, JACKED 💪, rich 💰, and enlightened? The divorced Dads that we have worked with have made significant strides physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually.

Most of that takes way longer than 6-weeks. And that is okay. Change takes time. Joining The Comeback will put you SO much further along than where you are now and you will have hundreds of other divorced Dads supporting you along the way.

✅ Dads who have struggled where you have struggled.

✅ Dads who have fallen and gotten back up over and over again.

✅ Dads, like you, who want the best for their kids.

✅ Dads who were once confused and are now on the path to better health, strength, happiness, resilience, and success.

You are in the right place if you are looking to make a Comeback. That is what we do here. We support Divorced Dads who are sick and tired of being sick and tired and are ready to change.

What does your Comeback look like?

Your 6-Week Comeback

1. Daily Accountability and Support

  • Relevant Daily Lessons Every day you will receive a lesson on a different topic that you can relate to as a divorced Dad. These lessons are meant to educate and motivate you to practice positive changes with your words and actions.

  • Daily Check-In's Each day we will check in with you to see if you did what you said you were going to do the day before. We do this to support, encourage and hold you accountable. We all need a little of each when we start off on a new adventure.

2. Healthy Habit/Routine Formation and Support

  • Habits What habit or routine are you consistently doing that is holding you back from being the Man you want to be? We help divorced Dads replace self-defeating routines with healthy habits that move them closer to having a life they love.

  • Support You pick the habit that you know will have the biggest impact and we hold you accountable for practicing that new habit. We will support you 100% of the time.

3. 30-Minute Total Body Workouts and Nutrition Support

  • Workouts Working out/exercising is an essential part of making a Comeback. The workouts will be provided to you Monday and Wednesday and Friday. These total body workouts have been designed to save you time, money and require very little equipment. You can do these workouts in your living room, bedroom, and/or hotel room. Just because they sound simple does not mean they are not effective. The workouts are scalable for almost all fitness levels.

  • Nutrition We keep the nutrition information basic/simple. It is up to you to implement it. We know the principles that work and we will give you the information you need to drop weight and begin putting on muscle. We cut through ALL the nutrition BS that is out there and give the minimum effective dose of you need to begin to transform your health, body and mind. We will be there to support you as you make these daily choices.

4. Community and Accountability

  • The Comeback Community: Connect with like-minded divorced Dads who are making their Comeback. Our open discussion forum allows you to engage with other Resilient/Divorced Dads, share success, struggles, and ask questions.

  • Accountability: Our community will hold each other accountable and have a great time doing it.

What are Divorced Dads saying about their Comeback

"I've been able to better focus on my responsibilities at work and at home. I'm needed to address them. Prior to starting The Comeback my health was out of control. I was exhausted and irritable all the time. I feel like I'm in charge of my energy levels and it has made a huge impact on how I tackle stressful situations."

Edgar D.

"This was the POSITIVE campaign I needed to begin regaining my clarity, my sanity, my purpose! Adam Farrell we have never met in person, however, you and the Resilient Dads out there did something for me that even the closest people to me could not reach. The ability to shed the armor and tear down the walls and expose those vulnerabilities so many of us have become masters at disguising. It was the relief I needed! The mind, body and soul challenges occupied my chaotic mind that could not find rest even in slumber. My focus gradually began to aim at SELF instead of circumstance. Stay strong my Friends and prepare for the Good you are going to achieve in this new chapter!"

Willie W.

"It feels incredible. Everything - beyond my own health - has improved. My confidence, focus, sleeping, everything. I really thought that losing this much weight would take way longer, but being consistent really makes this process easier. At this point exercising is just something I do normally, I don't even have to think about it. I just know that every day, Monday-Saturday, I'll be doing some kind of exercise. I'll show you a few of my favorite before and after pictures so far

Before the weight loss I would never shave, because my facial hair was the only thing that could distinguish my jaw line. It was super patchy, but I was too self-conscious to get rid of it. 

I'm feeling great! Really EVERYTHING has changed for the better - a lot of my friends have told me that I seem much happier and have more energy. I'm happy, but never satisfied. Always room for improvement! 30lbs to go."

Matt G. 

"The Resilient Dad's Comeback is a great way to create structure in men's life that is often chaotic, provide manageable steps for improving men's lives and fitness, and provide accountability for both successes and where we need to look internally and understand where we could improve. The weekly meetings were also instrumental in helping keep motivated and talking about life struggles. Overall this was a great process, it did make positive improvements in my life."

Steve H.

Start Your Comeback Today

Are you ready to move on from your divorce and become healthy, fit, strong, confident, and valuable to your kids, friends and community?

If so, let's get started!

There is no better time to invest in yourself than right now.

In addition to the daily lessons, daily accountability, workouts, nutrition, coaching, support from other Divorced/Resilient Dads, we are constantly adding new resources like a book database, recommended supplements, podcasts, mental health practices etc... We are ALWAYS looking for ways to better serve our Resilient Dads.

We could charge $749 for what has been put into this program, but we know what it is like to be a divorced Dad.

We too had to rebuild our lives, continue to pay child support, furnish an apartment/house, pay rent/mortgage, put food on the table for the kids, buy them clothes, bathroom supplies, beds, sheets, towels, toys, shoes, insurance, etc...

It adds up.

Knowing the reality of what happens to most dudes after a divorce we created three pricing options for you.

We want to get this program into the hands and minds of as many divorced Dads as possible.

After you sign up today, please share this website with another divorced Dad so that we can continue to support one another. The world is a better place with healthy, strong men of character and integrity.




  • 21-Day RESET

  • Daily Lessons through The MyCoach app

  • Daily Accountability

  • Healthy Habit Formation

  • Nutrition Recommendations

  • Resilient Dad Book Database

  • Access to our Private Resilient Dad Comeback Facebook Group

  • Support from divorced Dads like yourself who are making their Comeback



  • The RESET+ 3 Additional Weeks

  • 30-Minute Follow-Along Total Body Workouts

  • 3-Fat Melting, Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) Workouts Delivered to your Phone Weekly

  • Group On-Line Coaching




  • Individual Macro Nutrition Plan

  • Weekly Check-In Questionnaire

  • Weekly 1-1 Strategy Session

Trev Warnke leader of the Nutrition Book Club

Leadership by Coach Adam Farrell M.S.

The Resilient Dad Comeback was built by Coach Adam Farrell M.S. Coach Adam is a seasoned fitness and nutrition expert with over 25 years in the field.

As a small business owner (gym owner), creator of the Resilient Dad Facebook group, Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach, former Strength and Conditioning coach, and fellow divorced Dad, Coach Adam brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to your Comeback.

His experience in digging himself out of the hole of his own divorces coupled with his background in fitness and nutrition have allowed him to create a unique program that will help you move forward with confidence, whether your divorce was finalized a last month or eight years ago.

Coach Adam is turning the mess of his two divorces into a message for other divorced Dads, so they can make their Comeback. He is committed to helping you make your Comeback.


Why Three Pricing Options

We created three buying options so any divorced Dad can participate no matter his financial situation. We know the information in this program can upgrade the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial wellbeing of hard working dads. We didn't want finances to be the thing that held divorced Dads from making their Comeback. We need more healthy divorced Dads. These programs are the roadmap to better health, confidence, discipline, consistency and strength.

What equipment will I need?

For the RESET, you will not need any equipment.
For the Comeback, a pair of dumbbells for the first few workouts and then we will add a resistance band as the weeks progress. These are simple and HIGHLY effective workouts. Coach Adam has been writing workouts for over 25 years. He knows what it takes to build a solid total body workout that stokes the metabolism and gets guys strong while not injuring them. These are not your old high school workouts. These highly efficient and effective training sessions that will leave you feeling great afterward.

What are the lessons about?

Each day you will receive a lesson on what it takes to move forward from your divorce. These lessons are intended to make you think about your words, your actions, what is within your control and stop focusing on what is out of your control (your ex, her family, your girlfriend, etc...). We will be addressing some tough subjects that you may have ignored or not even known about. Through awareness, action and acceptance you can begin to find peace with yourself, your ex and anyone else involved. We've been there. We know how hard it can be. We may not know your particular situation, but have helped many divorced Dads regain their health, dignity, and resilience. This program is for you. You are in the right place.

Can I get the lessons without the workouts?

Yes, that is what we created The Reset for. This is perfect if you are already training and want to get your mindset right. If you are not working out, we HIGHLY recommend The Comeback. What man doesn't want to be stronger, more confident, look better with his shirt off and be strong? If you are not working out, you need to be, period.

What if I have an injury?

You will have to decide what you can and cannot do? EVERY exercise has variations for most fitness and mobility levels. We have worked with Dads who had bad knees, hips, wrists, shoulders and backs. Many times, just doing the mobility exercises in the warm up helped their dysfunction. We recommend you consult your physician before starting an exercise program.

I am paleo, vegetarian, vegan, carnivore, IF, etc... Will the nutrition information support my beliefs?

Great! We are diet agnostics. Meaning, we don't care what diet you use. We follow principles that consistently get results regardless of your food beliefs. If you follow the principles we provide, it won't matter what diet you subscribe to, you will still get results.

Why are there no before and after pics on the website?

We will not share the identity and/or images of our clients to ANYONE. Anonymity is a core principle of The Comeback and all of our programs. We want our guys to feel safe knowing we are not going to share their identity.

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